I am inspired to re-share this video speech I did on Failure from 2013 after the Colorado Floods in the wake of recent stories like SpaceX etc. Keep your eye on the prize and enjoy!
“This gritty speech happened in a basement of a building FEMA was moving into after the Colorado Floods in 2013 during @DENSTARTUPWEEK to a room of a few dozen Entrepreneurs in the Founder Institute (@founding) accelerator. I have never been as openly authentic in how I explained these life events. After 15 years on the rollercoaster ride that is entrepreneurship these ‘naked’ and raw lessons, that have never been shared before with such candor, are meant to assist all entrepreneurs large and small, and innovators the startup community and those choosing to play the game alongside the rest of us. In avoiding some of the financial and emotional losses I (we) have made on my personal journey up Success Mountain. Enjoy, but be warned. Raw language and content are included in these lessons and anecdotal stories. #learnfrommypain and enjoy the video session”